New year and new resolutions are in the air in the month of January but you need someone to push you towards your resolution or a constant reminders to complete it. Study shows that people who keep a check on their resolutions time to time have a higher rate of completing the resolution than others.
Selecting a resolution that keeps you motivated throughout the year and helps you grow in your personal and professional life are very few and one of them is reading habit. Reading is helpful in many perspectives, we will discuss in detail in this blogpost and also share about the #TBRChallenge, The Blogchatter Reading Challenge that is a reading challenge unique in its own way.
Why to take up Reading Challenge:
Commitment :
By signing up for a reading challenge you are committing a time towards it and also deciding to learn new aspects of life through reading. You should be open enough to read and enter the world of books.
Learning is never ending process and through books you can learn many new things. It can be as simple as about new words, new culture, new language, new concept. If you are thinking you have done enough reading during your education years then let us tell you that there are plenty of books where you can gain experiences of life.
Effective Me-time:
Everyone wants to spend peaceful time alone in a day and reading can give you that solace by imagining the story right in front of you or gaining knowledge through self-help or non-fiction books.
There are many more reasons one should take up reading as a habit but we will leave you with these three to mark an imprint of reading.
Leave these virtues when you start to read:
Reading is an art and so is absorbing the book.
To read a book, we discussed what all is required but most important aspect is there are certain factors a reader should not follow. Check the top three virtues a reader should never possess.
Reading a story without any assumptions will make you an attentive reader, if you assume a particular angel in the story and flip 4-5 pages then you may miss a vital point in the story.
Whenever you start reading a book , break all inhibitions and all set pre-set guidelines of the world. Do not fall prey to the rules set in the real world as the books has their own world and a new dimension all together.
Each book has its pace and a reader. You cannot just scan the book through skimming the pages. Take your time to start the book, read the blurb, about the author, acknowledgements, version history of the books, chapter headings so that you feel connect with the book.
What to read: Biggest question in the reading challenge
What to read is the biggest challenge to many people who wish to read but never know from where to start with. These few tips can help you to make your reading list and keep you paced up in the reading challenge.