
Thursday 17 August 2017

Mammoth Failure vs Undying Spirit : Coping in Floods

A person can face huge crisis situation very easily only when he is buckled up with fighting spirit and determination to sail through it. We all need encouragement and the will power at the same time to fight the difficult time. Natural calamities can be faced with preparedness and looking forward to the time with undying spirit. 

This poetry teaches us how a person can win with high spirits and cope up mammoth situations.

High Spirit Poem - MeenalSonal

When you come in abundance,
you create irreparable nuisance.

Once where life was a smooth instance,
you didn’t give time or second chance.

And when you came things shattered,
few lost life and many battled.

You tried hard to carry away all,
but I held my nerve that stood tall.

Floods, you maybe mammoth & created a loss,
except my brave soul which knows hurdles to cross .

Why nature tests human’s trait,
we are just your own portrait.

Don’t show us your other side mother nature,
your calmness is a blessing to every tiny creature.

India recently experienced flood situations in few states, but the undying spirit of a person that keeps them go leaving behind marks of tragedy.

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  1. "Why nature tests human’s trait,
    we are just your own portrait."

    Perhaps we overwhelm each other at times. We definitely get our resilience from our place in nature. I wonder if nature has something to celebrate that would be the equivalent of Independence Day?

    1. Hello Susan, nature surely tests us in unexpected times. May be nature was showing it's independent color these days.

  2. Yes, the human spirit continues to rise,


    1. Rightly said Elizabeth, one thing that will rise from all kind of failures is 'Human Spirit'

  3. Mother nature can be fierce indeed. Yes, let her show us her calmness. I am with you for sure.

    1. Yes Carrie, we can't hold fierce nature for long .

  4. Lovely descriptive words. It's true, the human spirit prevails.

    1. Thanks Indybev, yes the true spirit will always win.

  5. Your words express it so well!

  6. Hello, the whole thing is going nicely here and ofcourse every
    one is sharing facts, that's in fact fine, keep up writing.

  7. Very true. When disaster strikes, human kindness rises.

    1. Human kindness needs to be risen always but we humans sensitive cord rises mostly only in disasters.

  8. Totally agree.
    We pray for nature's blessing & her calmness everyday.

    1. Yes we do pray but nature has some other plans sometimes.

  9. Thankyou Aryavat, keep visiting often.

  10. We have seen the calm side of Mother Nature but it also gets fierceful. it gives us an indication that if anyone will try to mess up with its calmness then they have to pay of it. But we want the calmness back. I agree.

    1. We surely do not want too see monstrous side of the nature but we all need to learn how to cope up in such situations.

  11. Amazing poem about resilience in times of adversities. Wonderfully written poem! I loved the way your poems lend hope even in the worse circumstances. I am totally LOVING the poems that you have been publishing these days.

    1. Thanks Mayura, our blog is all about spreading positivity in tough times too.

  12. Very well written and as really important to pray for mother nature daily not only at the time of crisis

    1. Prayers and right habits should be routine but the busy human forgets it and then pays for it later.

  13. While nature inspires it also conspires! People living along Coastal India are no strangers to these two facets of the Mother Earth - The Annapurna - the provider and the Durga - the Destructor !

    1. Ver well said Preeti , coastal region people often see two sides of nature.

  14. Congrats.. Very well penned poem.. I agree you can sail through any difficulty if you have willpower and having proactive attitude can make things easier for you to handle.

    1. Preparation for the crisis situations makes human well aware of the steps to be taken.

  15. This holds so true especially now when floods have struck almost every part of our country. Floods may damage our property and life but they cannot break our spirit to survive.

    1. Keeping the human spirit high a person needs to be calm in such situations.

  16. Wow this is a beautiful poem and it describes the truth of these catastrophes. Its lovely that you have penned it down so well. Keep those blogs coming. Both of you have beautiful minds.

  17. I agree mother nature has its own way to react and sometimes it does lots of harm as in case of floods and earthquake. We need to respect mother nature and understand our responsibility to take care of it.

    1. Understanding both sides of Mother Nature is so important and we need to respect both else the situation gets worse.

  18. Humans have tremendous capacity and it can be utilized when clubbed with will power and positivity.

    - Ujjwal Mishra MywordsMywisdom

  19. I have always felt this about mother nature, loved your composition and you reminded me of indiblogger days

  20. Let us always pray for Nature be kind to all of us. Beautiful poetry and well rhymed lines. Kudos

  21. Beautiful lines, and rightly said abundance of anything is bad. As in Hindi we say - ati sabki buri! We as tenents on this planet, must learn to co-exist and save our surroundings. If each one of us, becomes responsible for ONLY our onw surroundings, earth will be a much better place tomorrow.

  22. So beautifully explained by you. It is important and necessary to pray and respectmother Nature daily and not only one day.

  23. This is so thought provoking. Nature has it's own way to crying out loud and making us realize when we humans go overboard with the changes we try to make on our planet. I hope and pray our planet Heals soon.

  24. lovely poem! indeed, mother nature as the calm nurturer is her best avatar for all of mankind. we all need to take care to abide by the laws of nature and take care of mother earth.

  25. Nature's fury is faced by man multiple times yet he rebuilds his lost life. Wish human understand now to preserve the nature and not tickle the anger.

  26. Lovely poem eulogising the human spirit. We cannot control nature but we can spring back and create again. That is what humans do-when faced with adversity they confront it stoically and then move on.

  27. How beautifully expressed the undying spirit of humankind in these lines. I agree that with high spirits any person can win over the mammoth situations.

  28. Mother nature always proects us but its our duty to take care of her too. But some natural calamities show us that we dont have super power.

  29. Yes floods create havoc for us the superior ones. but we need to understand that it is not purely because of nature but it is becasue human have cut trees that have water holding capacity that also causes floods. But nice poem.

  30. Expressive. Emotive. Lovely. Beautifully Splendid. Who is to be blamed? But us! It's a vicious circle. What we sow, we reap. We ruin, we get ruined.


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